5 Ways to Make Clean Eating Interesting

It is a fact that as soon as you tell someone they cannot have something, it’s the single thing they want the most. People become transfixed on the “forbidden fruit” even though they may not have thought about it prior to being told they cannot have it. This holds true for those who are dieting or on a meal plan. Unfortunately—but rather ironically—it is sometimes those foods we crave the most that can cause us to feel less confident and make us ask for help down the road.

However, it never ceases to amaze me how much people complain about not being allowed to eat these health-sucking foods in the initial stages of a new meal plan. A lot of the time, you have to step outside of your comfort zone or do things you do not want to do to be successful. Such is life, and this fact not only relates to losing or gaining weight but to success in everyday facets of life.

That being said, I have compiled a small list of things I enjoy doing with my food to “spice” up my meal plan and make it more exciting. They are simple and affordable tips and tricks to help you see food as fuel rather than for pleasure. If you continue to scarf down your food and “eat with your eyes” rather than appreciating what’s in front of you, I am confident that you will never be able to wholeheartedly enjoy the nutritional benefits and overall beauty of the food that comes from our earth.

Below is a list of tips on how to liven up natural, clean foods:

  1. Kimchi:


Kimchi is a fermented cabbage that can have either a mild or spicy flavour. Fermented foods are great sources of probiotics and do wonderful things for your digestive health since they promote healthy gut bacteria. For people with digestive health issues, adding something like Kimchi or sauerkraut to a meal would be extremely beneficial. In addition to its impressive nutritional profile, this ingredient can provide an amazing crunch to your meal. I like to add a few pieces chopped up to my rice, and have that on the side of my protein and carb. Bonus: It makes your dishes look pretty, too!

  1. Spices


Our supermarkets nowadays are pretty amazing and provide a wide variety of zero calorie, zero sodium spices. Do not take your spice isle for granted! My favourite spices are Roasted Red Pepper and Garlic, Tex Mex, Chipotle, Lemon Pepper, Lemon and Herb, and Cinnamon. I use the heartier spices in all of my dishes, from eggs to stir-fry, and even on top of salads. If I am having a salad with extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar, I like to add Lemon Pepper and Roasted Red Pepper and Garlic. It transforms my salad from tasting bland to gourmet. Cinnamon is an incredible spice as well that you should use in your 0% plain greek yogurt, smoothies, protein shakes, and even in your all natural PB. Cinnamon is an extremely potent spice that helps stabilize insulin and blood glucose levels. Plus, its natural sweetness can help alleviate those pesky sugar cravings. Do not skip on it.

  1. Make your food pretty

This is very important and ties into the psychological benefits of eating clean. If you take the time to work with your foods and make it look pretty on your plate, I guarantee you will learn to appreciate the health benefits of what you are putting in your body. This is essential for people who are beginning a meal plan because it helps the “eating with your eyes” dilemma. If you have the time, chop your food nicely, layer foods on top of each other in a pretty manner, and give yourself a moment to enjoy your masterpiece. If I have a couple minutes, I will slice my avocado thinly, grill up tomatoes, and layer the avocado over top of my over-easy eggs with Ezekiel bread, with the tomatoes nicely laid out. Learn to appreciate your meal rather than taking it for granted.


Alfalfa Sprouts – healthy and beautiful!

  1. Alfalfa Sprouts

These little sprouts not only enhance the presentation of your food, but also provide an abundance of health benefits. They are packed full of phytoestrogens, which can help with estrogen-related hormonal setbacks such as menopausal issues and water retention, just to name a few. I use alfalfa sprouts in open-faced sandwiches, and on top of my protein. They also provide a really nice crunch that enhances the texture of my meal.

  1. Hot sauce


Last but not least is my personal obsession: the amazing world of hot sauce. If your tastebuds like to take a walk on the spicy side then I highly recommend you dive into this vast world. You have an abundance of low, no sugar, low calorie options if you take the time to look. My personal favourites are Franks Buffalo Wing Sauce, Sriracha, and Cholulua (original or chipotle). I pretty much use hot sauce on everything. On top of the delicious factor, hot sauce contains a ton of Vitamin C, which can help increase your metabolism. It is also high in antioxidants that can help lessen the effects of cell damage by reducing free radicals. Cool, right? Or should I say, “hot, right”?

The take home message from today’s post is this: Do not take your food and your health for granted. Remember, half the world is trying to lose weight, while the other half is trying to gain weight. Appreciate the fact that you may live in a country blessed with an infinite amount of foods with beautiful grocery stores just waiting to be explored. Just as you should appreciate the fact you are privileged enough to eat a healthy diet, you should also appreciate your health and body. Don’t just throw your food in a tupperware and eat it in a disgruntled fashion because you would rather eat something deep fried. Realize what a privilege it is to eat and maintain a healthy diet. Respect the food and respect yourself.

Don’t forget to stay in touch! Comment below and let me know what you are thinking. #DollTalk