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Category: Other
Gym Etiquette

Are you practicing your gym etiquette?   One of the barriers towards a newbie weight trainer is the overall “unknown” towards gym culture. People don’t want to show up somewhere and feel like they are out of place, but I’ve never been to a gym where members or people that worked there were not compassionate, welcoming, encouraging, or understanding to new comers and beginners. Everyone has to begin somewhere. Don’t […]

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Meal Prep Services: Helpful or a Money Grab?

How helpful are meal prep services and are they right for you? Meal prep service companies have been popping up, and maybe they are nothing more than super trendy packaging, fancy social media, and over priced bland food you can do yourself. On the other hand, maybe they are a highly effective healthy food service that noticed the problem our society was having in providing healthy meal options…and offered a […]

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How to Implement Fasted Cardio

  Fasted cardio simply means performing cardiovascular activity with no source of immediate food energy. When we eat food, there is a glucose response in the blood which means a presence of energy, the glucose is used to fuel our bodies cells. No matter what, glucose/glycogen is the very last chemical change that occurs from our food metabolism. When someone says “burn fat” this is a simple expression used to […]

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Release Your Hip Flexors

Release Your Hip Flexors- Improve Performance The hip flexors play a massive role in our day to day lives, they flex our hips! Our busy population actually spends a lot of time in hip flexion, because we are a population of sitters! We sit at our desk jobs, we sit during our commute, we sit when we get home from our day (when we can at least), and students are […]

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What Affects Metabolic Rate

What Can Affect Your Metabolic Rate?   Our metabolic rate is how efficiently and quickly we utilize energy, i.e. calories from food. The faster your metabolic rate, the faster your body processes, digests, and uses (burns) the energy consumed. Despite what you may believe, you are not born with one metabolic rate and that’s just it. Your metabolism may be “slow”, but you can completely change your metabolic rate making […]

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Are You Lifting Heavy Enough?

Are you Lifting Heavy Enough?   The weight you lift during your workouts and for each body part is relative to ability and proper execution. You could ask someone how much they squat and they say something impressive like 200lbs. The next day you see them in the gym squatting 200lbs and the form is an absolute nightmare, their knees buckle in, their waist folds in half and their chest […]

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Amino Acids and Plant-Based Diets

Amino Acids and How to Incorporate into Plant-Based Diets   Our muscles are made up of fibers, these fibers are made up of cells, amino acids are what help build, repair, and construct healthy cell walls. Fats help keep existing cells robust, vibrant, receptive and healthy, but amino acids are what build strong and healthy cell walls and parts. Our body creates amino acids, but essential amino acids are what […]

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Feeling Lethargic? This May Be Why…

Feeling Lethargic? This May Be Why… All day you seem to battle energy crashes, and no amount of coffee can keep you awake and alert. Here are some reasons you may be suffering low energy/lethargy:   You are Undermining Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): You are undercutting how much energy/calories it takes to keep your body living i.e. you are not eating enough. Do you know how many calories you […]

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Are Supplements and Vitamins Important

Are Supplements and Vitamins Important? Supplements and vitamins are very important when it comes to your weight loss results or overall body goals. They are not a scam, and no, you will not obtain all the extra nutrients and vitamins you need from the food you consume. For one, guaranteed your day to day food intake is not very diverse, it may be remotely the same day to day. On […]

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Scapular Winging: Do you Have it?

SCAPULAR WINGING When you are training your upper body, you may find your range of motion is severely limited. Maybe you are feeling a lot of the tension in your neck and traps when performing back exercises, or your shoulder exercises are especially tough to master. Muscle tension and overall tightness in the muscles surrounding your shoulder blades (scapula), chest muscles, and shoulder muscles will severely restrict your freedom of […]

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